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Dr. Kruger has worked with me on my goals at my pace, while also teaching me big picture concepts that help me work on my vision…

I got connected with Dr. Kruger from a practitioner that changed my perspective on vision back in Arizona. I'd had worsening vision problems since childhood, but was experiencing even more difficulty and I was in my mid twenties. No other eye doctor could explain why and just put me in stronger and stronger lenses (and bifocals). While this helped me see better, it didn't sit right with me and I wanted to know WHY my eyes were like this.Dr. Kruger helped me understand how vision works, and then also how it responds to stress and trauma -- essentially figuring out that between a few concussions and PTSD my eyes and vision could not relax to work properly -- and that getting the eyes to work is more about relaxation. I've gone from a -4.75 x 1.75 x 180 progressives in my glasses to working on actually improving my vision. Currently in - 2.5 x .5 x 180. I know that actually changing my vision will take time. While it can be frustrating being in "weaker" lenses, I know that for MY goals improving my vision naturally will improve my health, that my eyes are connected to my brain and that if I want long term brain health, that will come with vision health. Dr. Kruger has worked with me on my goals at my pace, while also teaching me big picture concepts that help me work on my vision in my day to day.

- Rachel V.